In early 2013, Envato launched Microlancer, a digital marketplace for freelance services.
People watching the online music industry say two things about that digital marketplace: business is booming, and the business stinks.
The digital marketplace is also stimulating fresh approaches by more traditional music institutions.
"Sale el sol", was released on January 4, 2011 to digital marketplaces as the second single.
Meanwhile the digital marketplace is not expanding as rapidly as many in the business had hoped.
The next revolution in cell phone technology, the iPhone has made quite a splash in the digital marketplace.
The iPad is just one way forward - and not the answer - for publishers as they adapt and progress in the fast-changing digital marketplace.
Cloning a game in digital marketplaces is common, because it is hard to prevent and easy to compete with existing games.
Because of their interest in controlling that market, the labels had "been working diligently over the last two years to bring a new digital marketplace to consumers."
Because of the open Internet, we are now seeing what a legitimate digital marketplace looks like and seeing increased consumer interest in legal, licensed services.