The bill, which puts into effect worldwide agreements on digital copyrights, makes it illegal to circumvent technologies that protect digital works.
Alternative compensation systems have two very significant advantages over digital copyright.
The legislation, intended to carry out two international treaties on digital copyrights, had already passed the Senate and been approved by the House Judiciary Committee.
The digital copyright act or something.
In short, the Directive adds extra measures on enforcement of digital copyright while leaving national law in other areas unaffected.
But some legal experts questioned whether the record industry might lose a larger battle over the scope of digital copyrights, even if it wins its legal cases.
The battle over digital copyrights and illegal file sharing is often portrayed as a struggle between Internet scofflaws and greedy corporations.
On one side, media companies have fought aggressively to protect their digital copyrights as services like Napster arose.
It makes perfect sense to acknowledge digital copyright and together to address the possibility of producing a law or a measure that we can all agree on.
Monolith, a thought experiment that might be relevant to digital copyright.