However, from the scans that I have taken, it's clear that this mouth is only hooked up to the digestive track and not to the lung/gill apparatus.
Jewelry that becomes loose in the mouth can become a choking hazard and, if swallowed, can result in injury to the digestive track or lungs.
The sewers were unusually fluid that night as thousands of cubic feet of beer made its traditional way through the digestive tracks of the degenerates upstairs and into the sanitary system.
In 1982, Mr. Margolis learned he had Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammation of the digestive track that can lead to other serious medical problems.
Then the dog swallows a diamond ring, meaning that Dylan has to kidnap him long enough for the gem to pass through his digestive track.
Because they float, and resemble a jellyfish, plastic bags pose significant dangers to marine mammals, such as Leatherback Turtles, when they enter their digestive track.
The tiny organ's job is to store bile, which is released into the digestive track when foods containing fat are eaten.
Long-term use can lead to alcohol dependence and can cause many serious side effects, including: malnutrition, memory loss, mental problems, heart problems, liver failure, swelling (inflammation) of the pancreas, cancers of the digestive track, and others.
The Company Although he came close to naming his company Enteron, a term for the digestive track, Kenneth Lay, the company's chairman, could seemingly do no wrong.
The hypostome is hollow, and encloses the mouthparts, the anterior digestive track, and the bases of the antennae.