They were allowed to dig huge pits for animal waste, without regard to the water table or the health and sensibilities of neighbors.
They dig without urgency and with little hope.
"You'll have to dig without us, I'm afraid," said Knight.
The Scripture says 'Adam digged:' could he dig without arms?
How long will lone wolves thirsty for knowledge have to dig in the Sahara without any help or support?
This valley clay was hard and dry, it would be impossible to dig without a nice sharp shovel.
Dig more deeply with your drill without fear or favor, but inside yourself, inside yourself.
"And the fact that our youngest child got to dig in the dirt without complaints from his parents was pretty special for him."
"They could not have dug this pit without sophisticated equipment or phasers."
With a fingernail he tried to dig into the lead, but without result.