In the case of the Mahdi Army, he said, Iran has recognized its diffuse nature, sprinkling support at high and low levels.
There is little detailed work on homelessness in rural areas, largely because of the diffuse nature of the problem.
There are so many of these attachments that the diffuse nature of the aerodynamic load is imitated (Figure 2).
The diffuse nature of the contamination has made it difficult to evaluate the impact on the Gulf.
The diffuse nature of the case made it more difficult to investigate.
That's partly a factor of the diffuse nature of the job losses and other cuts.
Because of the extremely diffuse nature of a comet's tail, there was no effect when the planet passed through it.
The diffuse nature of the group seemed evident.
That neatly explains the diffuse nature of the DIBs.
Overlapping Conflicts Another problem that keeps the Middle East conflict alive is its diffuse nature.