The difficulty of these routes vary greatly, ranging from relatively easy to some of the hardest in the world.
The difficulties vary from child to child and can include the following:
The difficulty of the test varies as specified by the competitor's rating level.
The difficulty in co-op campaign mode varies depending on the player's level, and objectives will be shared.
The difficulty of these activities varies with the level of treatment.
The difficulty and complexity of lessons vary widely, covering all levels of movement ability.
It should be noted however that bar ratings are not exactly comparable from year-to-year as the difficulty of the exams varies through the years.
The difficulty of a given miracle (the amount of faith required by the patron for their assistance) can vary.
The difficulty in doing this varies depending on the system for which the game was made.
As the route changes fairly frequently, the overall length and difficulty can vary, meaning records from one year cannot be exactly compared.