If you get into difficulties repaying the loan, go straight to the lender and explain the problem.
When she had difficulty repaying the loan, she forged a note but was discovered and placed in a mental institution.
Many financial analysts believe the Soviet Union will have difficulty repaying its Western debt, and they speculate Germany's economy could be hurt as a result.
Take up will be limited to a segment of households that are less affluent, already economical in their energy usage, and which may well have difficulty repaying the loans in full.
Many students at black colleges come from low-income families and have difficulty repaying the loans.
Debtors would have had much more difficulty repaying foreign lenders in hard currency, and excessive devaluations would eventually accelerate inflation.
If you can't agree who should pay what Making the repayment If you have difficulties repaying the money What happens if you or your ex-partner does not pay back their share?
But if the House of Representatives makes a similar pledge, Congress would be making a commitment to the public to support the F.S.L.I.C. notes should the agency have difficulty repaying them, a commitment it would find nearly impossible to renege on.
Buyers of municipal bonds want to know which are which, so that they can identify the places where governments could have difficulty repaying their bonds because of mounting retiree health costs.