The difficulty posed for Nelson Mandela by her conviction is not just personal.
We also agree over the importance of Staphylococcus saprophyticus, to which we referred, and the difficulty posed by chronic prostatitis.
Energy Department officials say, however, that they face delays already because of budget constraints and that the difficulties with the chemistry may not pose additional delays.
A particular difficulty posed the logistical problems of handling the several thousand logographs whose command is required for full literacy in Chinese language.
The difficulties in getting a handle on the risks posed by the chemicals extended from epidemiology to basic biochemistry.
Many new road bridges were necessary to overcome the difficulty posed to local goods traffic by this new railway.
The AKA's encountered difficulties posed by the 20- to 30-foot tidal range which permitted larger landing craft to discharge cargo only at specific times.
The difficulties of "Gaspard de la nuit" (Ravel) posed no appreciable inconvenience, but surge, flow and imaginative conception seemed beside the point.
Firstly, we consider that the practical difficulties pose an obstacle in themselves.
However, we can also see the difficulties posed in implementing these projects, particularly due to all the problems of which we are well aware.