Most children improve as they mature to adulthood, but social and communication difficulties may persist.
Because, for the past twelve months, Myra had been able to remember these facts, she could not understand why her difficulties about relationships still persisted.
This difficulty persists no matter how much national income grows, and hence the failure of national savings rates to rise over time.
It is expected to be dropped from the list with a warning that trade reprisal weapons remain, should difficulties persist.
Nevertheless, the philosophical disagreements and difficulties dividing them persisted.
If these difficulties persist, school personnel or parents may decide that evaluation is needed.
These difficulties persist when children are matched for verbal skills and have been taken as a key feature of autism.
However, enrollment continued to decline and financial difficulties persisted and the school closed in 2002.
The company said it anticipated its difficulties would persist in the fourth quarter.
However, we notice that difficulties persist at the point where entrepreneurs access the funds.