The Internal Revenue Service, which itself has difficulty interpreting and administering the law, frequently becomes the target of animosity.
He explained possible errors in vision in detail, and as an example, describes how a small child with less experience may have more difficulty interpreting what he/she sees.
Who wants a pilot or doctor who is disorganized, easily distracted and has difficulty interpreting symbols?
Certain people have difficulty interpreting social cues correctly.
This sense of loyalty can conflict with their desire to be helpful, for they may have difficulty interpreting a friend's unusual behavior as a sign of a problem.
This creates difficulty interpreting the rate of statin use observed for the moderate-risk group.
Some educators believe that public elementary and high school teachers, 89 percent of whom are white, have difficulty interpreting the behavior of students reared in different cultures.
With the experience of three hundred years to guide him, Radu had little difficulty interpreting a number of the surviving details of sign left by the fight.
Of course, people may have difficulty interpreting the bills, which are often written in language that is hard to understand.
He had no difficulty interpreting her soft, satisfied moan.