Among the main characters, he generally has the least amount of difficulty interacting with "non-geek" individuals.
As well, overachievers often "have difficulties interacting socially" and they are "at high risk for burnout".
One young programmer whose diffident demeanor suggested he might have difficulty interacting with an actual human being claimed he had "built an environment for making the web social."
Efforts to accommodate children on the autism spectrum, who may find playgrounds overstimulating or who may have difficulty interacting with other children, have been less common.
Other beings, such as wraiths, are permanent inhabitants and have considerable difficulty interacting with the day-to-day reality of Earth (hereafter simply referred to as 'reality' for brevity's sake).
A Brionac lieutenant who is harsh on herself and has difficulty interacting with others.
People with this syndrome have difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and often are clumsy.
This can pose to be especially true in those who have difficulty communicating or interacting with others.
They have become very obviously inhuman, and as such, have difficulties interacting with the very people they are fighting to save.
ESL students often have difficulty interacting with native speakers in school.