One particular difficulty experienced by the trade with the single-piece gown related to the positioning of the limbs.
However, it can be assumed that the political difficulties experienced within China over recent years continue to act as a barrier to any possible growth.
Even so, it is generally agreed that the difficulty experienced when one attempts to master a topic leads to meaningful, long lasting, rewards.
The difficulties experienced in dealing with Blackpool made him feel there should be regional departments to make contact easier.
We can then begin to look for stress reducing and coping strategies to help alleviate the difficulties experienced in the everyday work situation.
The difficulties the coopers experience lead to industrial trouble.
If the difficulties the industry is experiencing now result in that, then all of this will have been worthwhile.
I hope that the difficulties experienced last year will be eliminated this year.
The difficulties experienced by this sector in the past and, indeed, still today have had a profound effect on our entire regional policy.
The difficulty she is experiencing in part accounts for my presence here tonight at this fascinating debate.