This promised one higher card, and after the dummy followed with the four, both East players had difficulty deciphering it.
Since a hypotonic child has difficulty deciphering his spatial location, he may have some recognizable coping mechanisms, such as locking the knees while attempting to walk.
Since it is written in Carthaginian, we have had a little difficulty deciphering it.
In 1896, Sharon, reading the a book by Moritz Güdemann, noted a facsimile of a medieval document which the author had some difficulty deciphering.
But with the aid of a code book, Number One had no difficulty deciphering the message.
The word "and"-- while the President undoubtedly would have great difficulty determining and deciphering what the word "and"means, we don't - or at least we should not.
Even after so long bonded with Oromis, he still had difficulty deciphering the expressions of two-legs-no-horns, what with their soft, flat faces and their lack of tails.
He studied his library, with some difficulty deciphering the enigmaticc commas-and-dots script and mathematical symbologies.
Romero's script is banal when not incoherent - those who haven't seen Night of the Living Dead may have some difficulty deciphering exactly what's going on at the outset of Dawn.
While Wolcott and four relievers stopped the Yankees and dumped them below .500 at 60-61, the Mariners had little difficulty deciphering Mariano Rivera or MacDonald.