Many religious groups had difficulty acquiring land or permits to build houses of worship.
Women had more difficulty acquiring a craft, most of which were reserved by tradition for men, but many were trained as seamstresses.
Typically there is particular difficulty acquiring expressive communication skills.
Due to difficulties acquiring land around the site, construction could not begin in earnest until 41 months after the contract was awarded.
The club planned to make use of the funds generated from the sale to build a new all-seated stadium, but had difficulties acquiring planning permission.
He tried for a world wide show but failed due to the difficulty acquiring a license.
The Forest Service has since had difficulty acquiring more land within the proclamation boundary, the bulk of which was, and still remains, small owner-operated farms.
The German rearmament program faced difficulties acquiring raw materials.
Often individuals with autism, developmental disabilities, or language delays have difficulty acquiring novel tacts.
However, the station never began construction on its full-power digital facility due to a number of issues, including difficulty acquiring land.