It was a long and difficult voyage, with numerous deaths from scurvy.
The submarine had just arrived from occupied France after a long and difficult voyage.
Who else could they prevail upon to undertake some long, difficult voyage with perhaps no return?
I do know for a fact that she has made two difficult voyages from Virginia in order to see to the child's welfare.
Orloff managed a much more difficult voyage than this little hop to Air, after all.
Is this where she has been heading all along, all through this difficult voyage of hers?
The Argo went there by rapid but difficult voyage.
The difficult voyage gets off to a difficult start with the discovery that some cheese is missing.
There's some reason to hope that Chastelaine's crews won't be in the best condition after what must have been an unusually difficult voyage.
It's going to be a difficult voyage, to say the least.