The question, of course, is what those "additional or differentiated services" would entail: IP video?
Hulu and Youtube aren't "broadband Internet" services, they're differentiated services.
Differentiated services, Integrated services - including traffic classification and prioritization.
While most services are, to some degree, publicly funded, the factor which often differentiates services is the manner in which they are operated.
But what exactly will these "additional or differentiated" services that ISPs could charge content providers extra cash for be?
Differentiated service is extensively covered in a few narrow technical areas, such as telecoms networks and internet (see Differentiated services).
These smaller trains generally were not named; only the train numbers were used to differentiate services.
Differentiated services ("DiffServ") implements the prioritized model.
The second and currently accepted approach is differentiated services (DiffServ).
A provider that offers a broadband Internet access service complying with the above principles could offer any other additional or differentiated services.