The changed relations in concentration of auxin leads to differential growth of the root tissues.
This acknowledges differential growth at different stages, and focuses the teacher on the individual needs of the students.
Tropisms all involve slow turning through differential growth, but not all plant responses are tropisms.
By differential growth the neck elongates and new arches form, so the pharynx has six arches ultimately.
Another measure of the effect of differential growth is the market-to-book ratio.
Crop marks appear due to the principle of differential growth.
Particularly effective crops that exhibit differential growth well include cereal crops, peas, and potatoes.
These factors may reduce differential growth of lower segement, resulting in less upward shift in placental position as pregnancy advances.
Early pregnancy low position, which in third trimester may be entirely normal due to differential growth of the uterus.
Both responses are growth reactions i.e. the bending is caused by differential growth on the respective opposite flanks of the sporangiophore, and influence each other.