The cluster consists of two different sub-groups of galaxies with different velocities.
Multiple group modelling: This is a technique allowing joint estimation of multiple models, each with different sub-groups.
The term covers two different sub-groups; Short-horn cattle and Long-horn cattle.
Within the Society there different sub-groups representing specialist areas of anthropological research.
The ten celebrities were often divided into different sub-groups and made to compete among themselves every week.
Within the Akan people, there are different sub-groups, like the Ashanti or the Fante.
In organizations, it is necessary to communicate with different sub-groups and overcome difficulties in effective communication.
Asmat may be thought of as an umbrella term for twelve different ethnic sub-groups with shared linguistic and cultural affinities and sense of shared identity.
Examples where the sensitivity and specificity change between different sub-groups of patients may be found with the carcinoembryonic antigen test and urinary dipstick tests.
Views on individual policies vary among different sub-groups.