A second, broader patent covers a way to link a large number of different fiber-optic sensors into a network that can monitor many conditions simultaneously.
There are many different sensors that can be purchased to detect hazardous gases around the house.
Navigation systems therefore take multiple inputs from many different sensors, both internal to the system and/or external (ex.
In a simple example, a robot moving throughout a grid may have several different sensors that provide it with information about its surroundings.
Don't forget, Poo-Chi has three different sensors that need attention!
The information from these hundreds of different sensors is transmitted to the data acquisition outstation units.
Much like the human eye, it has different sensors for dark areas and bright areas.
Their sensitive regions overlap a little, and your brain processes the inputs from the different sensors to reconstruct about what the color must be.
Currently, devices combining different sensors are being developed, e.g. Attitude and heading reference system.
Different molecular shapes and compositions trigger responses in different sensors.