At each successive take, the extras were rearranged and moved into a different quadrant away from the camera.
In these two cases, the electrons appear in different quadrants of the correlated spectrum.
There is a timer to alert users to move to a different quadrant of their mouth every 30 seconds.
These houses were occupied by large extended families living in different quadrants of the house.
"In a sense, that's true, though the problem lies in a totally different quadrant from what you might think."
When I rescued him, it was from a wrecked ship in a totally different quadrant of space.
You brush best when you start, so select different quadrants of teeth to start with each morning.
There are different quadrants, and air traffic control sometimes pushes us to a place we don't want to be.
Perhaps learning about the cosmozoans in a different quadrant- essentially a separate ecological region- could help us see some larger patterns.
Navigating to a different quadrant reveals the adjacent quadrants.