It is well known that strains of inbred mice have different rhythmic phenotypes.
Different forms of a gene, which may give rise to different phenotypes, are known as alleles.
Studies showed that different phenotypes regarding the amount of particles and reaction to diet composition do exist.
Polymorphism in biology is when two or more clearly different phenotypes exist in the same population of a species.
This allows for up to 10,000,000 different phenotypes of the pili.
Within a family, there will often be several different phenotypes, despite the presence of the same causative mutation.
In one case, a family with six affected members displayed five different phenotypes.
In other cases involving similar or same species mimics with different phenotypes, the explanation for trait evolution becomes less clear.
He was assigned to create new crucifers through combination of different phenotypes.
This study is not the first case of different phenotypes occurring between monozygotic twins.