Over 600 blue carriages were built in Finland under over 30 different nomenclatures.
Historically, different nomenclatures have been used for ribosomal proteins.
Because the word "patch" carries the connotation of a small fix, large fixes may use different nomenclature.
Standard & Poor's, which uses a different nomenclature, rates California debt at A, the lowest of any state.
Thereafter, other law universities were set up, all offering five-year integrated law degrees with different nomenclature.
Army aviation elements may use a different nomenclature, as the nature of helicopter fired weapons is almost always air-to-surface.
Thereafter other law universities were set up, all offering five years integrated law degree with different nomenclature.
Measurement techniques varied depending on the effects under study and gave rise to different nomenclature.
The Glycine cleavage system differs from the other complexes, and has a different nomenclature.
Prodrive, however, refers to the cars using a different nomenclature.