The two men, both swindlers of sorts, are of different mindsets when it comes to their profession.
Jane's presence is a source of consternation for Sam, as he and his mother have a somewhat strained relationship, due to their very different mindsets.
It's like pouring different mindsets into your brain, distracting you, driving you crazy, breaking down all will to resist.
The camouflaged facilities were separated physically by a fence also maintained structurally different mindsets towards their objectives.
So it's two very different mindsets with radically different goals.
Although his relationship with Sonic seems to have developed from antagonistic to friendly rivalry, animosity from not understanding their different mindsets continues.
The basic idea is that individuals pass through different mindsets on their way to behavior change.
Marksmanship and combat engagement were two different mindsets, but the one was important to support the other.
"It was two different mindsets and I think I prefer the competitor to the spectator," Ryan said.
But the minority and the white business executive have different mindsets.