Foods do that by affecting the levels of different hormones in your bloodstream over time.
There is no question but that insulin and glucagon are two completely different hormones.
Hormones released by one gland can also tell other glands to make different hormones.
Cramps occur because the body releases different hormones, including one called prostaglandin.
These changes are started and mediated by different hormones.
The $10 million, four-year study is designed to determine whether three different hormones can help reduce heart disease in post-menopausal women.
The female reproductive system is extremely complex and the menstrual cycle involves several different hormones.
Researchers tested each subject's blood for eight different hormones right after the person made the decision about whether to send money.
The glands control a number of different hormones with varying effects around the body.
Puberty is started and carried on by different hormones.