There were 4 different commercials in total, the 2nd and 4th being slight variations on the 1st and 3rd.
Early in her career, Berman appeared in over 100 different commercials.
A significant number of different racing-inspired commercials can be seen and are often played outside of television race coverage.
Both networks said they had accepted a different commercial from the church on the same subject.
Kapiti today still has different commercials to the Wellington station.
The Chronicle is running four different commercials a week, for eight weeks, each ad based on an article for the following day.
Mitch hears the Leprechaun on the television, making odd remarks in different commercials, and looks up.
During a campaign a candidate will typically put on 15 different commercials, and it's amazing how much they pack into that eight minutes.
Different sorts of people, even neighbors, will be shown different commercials.
Studio Ghibli has created and produced a variety of different commercials.