The five choreographers, different from last year, performed all around the fort and, for the last dance, inside its courtyard.
The company began as a repertory ensemble, staging a variety of small scale works produced by different choreographers.
But when I went to the West to work with different choreographers and companies, that helped.
A look at three very different choreographers, ages 24 to 38, offers some insights into what compels a person to create dance.
"Over the years I'd been working with a lot of different choreographers, anything from jazz to hip-hop to African to modern to ballet," he added.
A free taste of new works by four very different choreographers.
She'll have to share programs with different choreographers, and we'll have to figure out how she will use the company.
Our dancers are more open than in Europe, and they want to explore different choreographers.
Working with different choreographers, they get a sense of themselves through new eyes, and their abilities are reflected back to them.
NCI has worked with 37 different choreographers, including 14 women.