For a gun almost identical to the Browning, it had a startlingly different balance.
German unity will mean a different economic balance in Europe.
No one project like the courthouse has ever had such an effect, he said, adding: "We need to have a different balance in projects going forward."
There's a different balance of emotions compared to regular sailing.
But the countries closest to Britain in interests strike a very different balance between regulars and reserves.
Each region has a different balance of resource availability, demand, and population growth.
Harmony and exhortation each find a different balance within the four male vocal groups on this bill.
Justice Marshall struck a different balance between the interests of society and the individual.
Each scheme provides a different balance between the key goals: reliability and availability, performance and capacity.
Children, she says, more commonly learn to become individuals not by rejecting their parents but by striking a different balance with them.