But a difference in style might not translate into a difference in substance.
That difference translates to a 120 percent increase in the risk of breast cancer recurrence.
The median return for big funds was 9.3 percent, and the difference translates into millions of dollars a year.
And in the finished cake, the differences translate even more tangibly.
On days with a haul this big, a difference of 25 cents a pound can translate to $1,000.
These differences in public spending translate into differences in social outcomes.
Such differences do not necessarily translate to the screen, but in this case they do.
The difference translated into 350 calories a day, enough for the heavy people to take off 30 to 40 pounds a year, if they would get moving.
In New York, the difference translates into a surplus of $730 million.
The difference translates into a risk reduction of 34 percent.