The difference in his level of activity from the earlier part of his reign "implies a withdrawal from affairs".
Some scholars argue that theological differences imply different sources, and point to the lack of references to 2 Peter among the early Church Fathers.
Although the two are stacked as flat design elements, a diffused, halo-like echo around the 8-ball implies a difference in substance and weight.
These differences also imply differences in family size, with a higher percentage of some minority groups having four or more births.
That difference implies that the market expects interest rates of about 20 percent during a four day period at year-end.
This difference implies that Infinit may be less powerful at handling the popularity of files.
A difference implies that the level is inaccurate.
A difference of less than 1 g/dl (10 g/L) implies an exudate.
The difference in the two rock types implied that the rock layers had at one time moved several kilometers relative to each other.
But remember, these are cultural differences, and difference doesn't imply better or worse.