Counterpart theory still presupposes possible worlds, but differs in certain important respects from the Kripkean view.
This view of communication approach based on a continuum differs from the view proposed by the more traditional Four models of public relations communication.
The local Brunei accounts differ greatly from the generally accepted view of events.
The Johannine concept of eternal life differs from the synoptic view.
"I differ radically from the old view that power is not to be shared," he said.
This differs from the usual view that one can strive for a politics-free, bias-less science.
Classical writers' perspectives differed from the modern view.
And what they uncovered differed radically from the standard view.
This differs from the more traditional view of design where all the parts are subjugated to the betterment of the whole.
This is a clear example in which Kant's view of freedom differs from the opposite view, of the freedom to do what one wants.