Occasionally the harmony will differ entirely from the standard arrangement in places, giving the melody completely different effect.
In this point, Mathematics differs entirely from most other subjects.
Only remember," he added, more obstinately than ever," that I differ entirely from Julian's view.
The way it protects resources differs entirely from the method used by Windows File Protection.
"The ideal held out to a child differs entirely from that still too common here (England) - 'Work hard and get on'."
This bottom differed entirely from the one I had visited on my first excursion under the waters of the Pacific Ocean.
At the Seychelles, there is a variety peculiar to those islands, differing entirely in appearance from the common cocoa-nut.
For as Heracleon explains, their situation differs entirely from that of the elect.
In Kleinewillinghöfer's words, "The major part of the lexicon seems to differ entirely from all the surrounding languages, which themselves represent different language families."
St. Louis' style of pass differs entirely from that in use in the east.