Others, as the giants, differed from men chiefly in their size; and in this particular we must recognize a wide distinction among them.
This festival differed from the other Grecian games chiefly in two particulars.
The two models differ chiefly in undercarriage type.
Concubinage differed from marriage chiefly in the status of children born from the relationship.
Five production aircraft were built at Shoreham, differing chiefly in the choice of engine.
The two prototypes differed from each other chiefly in their powerplants.
Personalities differ chiefly in their pattern of values.
They differed chiefly in installed equipment and systems, particularly data acquisition systems.
The H-45 and the H-47, which differed chiefly in having a more powerful engine, were part of that series.
Only three R.T.1s were built, differing chiefly in their engines.