The issue of his dietary discipline has followed him for years.
Pythagorean dietary discipline regarding wine (bad) and cabbage (good) may be reflected in the physician's advice to the notoriously wine-drinking conqueror.
Mr. Bloomberg's aides say his dietary discipline - which has resulted in the shedding of 10 pounds - should be taken as a sign that he is taking the race seriously, despite headlines declaring him hard to beat.
I believe I could demonstrate, using this man, the wonderful effects on character of dietary discipline-" "I refuse!
Under the direction of the metal MiniDiet, the real one, arch-villain to the lower masses, began to take unwilling part in a demonstration of dietary discipline.
His dietary discipline is legendary in Beverly Hills, where his frequent dinner companions include the romance novelist Jackie Collins and the billionaire businessman Marvin Davis.
And fresh fruit ... you ship-bred types may not miss it ..." "Landborn primates have no dietary discipline.
As is most common in holistic healing, too few people are prepared to stick to the dietary disciplines -or long.
Unfortunately, few of them are interested or want to stick to the dietary disciplines for long.
But Vaughn has never been confused for a workout-aholic, never been renowned for dietary discipline.