The Ages, a didactic piece of thirty-five Spenserian stanzas, is the first and longest in the volume.
Her earlier works-from the 1940s into the 1960s-include sonatas, symphonies, string quartets, and didactic pieces for piano; in these works she develops her own interpretation of American neoclassicism.
The symphony was described by Lilburn as "a harsh, didactic personalised piece of searching rhetoric", and indeed of all his compositions is the one with the largest twelve-tone influence.
Less didactic and object-oriented pieces by Bruce Chao and Mary Shaffer feel closer in spirit to the interactive multi-media environments of the 1970's.
Were it a didactic ideological piece, it would be deadly.
"It's not a didactic piece," said Lynne Cooke, the curator of the Dia centers in Manhattan and Beacon.
The poem is a didactic piece composed by a clerk.
A note to the text by all three collaborators describes it as an "attempt to use a didactic piece to make familiar an attitude of positive intervention."
The next aspect of Warner's style is that The Wide, Wide World is also a didactic piece.
He wrote many didactic pieces for one up to four guitars because he felt involved with the development of new didactical material.