Or allowing agencies to dictate laws by regulation?
True, she resolves to punish the waverer by leaving him for a time in uncertainty as to his fate; but stands firm by her resolve to rid the world of the abominable seducer who dared to dictate laws to his fellow-men.
Wilt thou, a captive, dictate laws to us?
He could argue that just as the euro has been found wanting, so has the attempt by the centre to dictate laws, regulations and homogeneity on all 27 member states, and that it should stop.
I shall dictate laws which I know they will break; then I will fine them large sums, which they must pay or be turned out upon the moors.
Congress cannot dictate laws that establish or abolish any given religion.
It did not intervene in human history erratically, subvert the laws of nature by working bizarre miracles, or dictate obscure laws on mountaintops.
Critics fear that any attempt to dictate laws or regulations in those areas would intrude on sovereignty of nations and give a big advantage to large multinational companies.
Then Man had embarked upon an idea of 'civilisation', dictated laws that prohibited a natural way of life.
Well, I'd like to rule the world and dictate frivolous laws from my golden throne and banish annoying people with my golden scepter.