Add the diced grilled vegetables and cook another five minutes.
An exemplary salad of diced grilled vegetables was drizzled with red pepper oil.
Add the tomatoes, cook a minute or so, then fold in the diced grilled vegetables.
Scatter the diced vegetables over and pour in enough cold water to just cover.
Zolaluz grinned down at the perfect piles of diced vegetables.
Stir the diced vegetables and 1 tablespoon of parsley into the tomato mixture.
In Spain gazpacho is often served with diced vegetables and croutons.
Just throw diced vegetables and/or chicken in a pan with the sauce.
Add the diced vegetables and sweat, stirring frequently, until soft but not browned, about 20 minutes.
A mélange of diced vegetables including tasty beets came with most entrees.