They are then served with toppings that vary from diced seasoned chicken to bok choy, fried or boiled wonton, bakso (meatballs).
New York Chinese dishes like spare ribs or chicken soong, in which the diced chicken is mixed with pine nuts and hoisin sauce, are often superb.
More often than not, the rice is cooked in the claypot first and cooked ingredients like diced chicken and Chinese sausage are added in later.
The bulbous pepper is stuffed with diced chicken and dried fruits and set over a roasted tomato sauce.
There was one on almost every table: a pretty pyramid of diced white chicken, ham, Gruyere, tomatoes, beets, bacon, eggs and iceberg lettuce.
Distracted, she went through to the kitchen and diced chicken on automatic pilot, tossing it into a cast-iron casserole with some roughly chopped onions and peppers.
Then Kit tipped the diced chicken into the pan with the shallots.
Tropicana - cooked diced chicken mixed with sour cream and fresh mango.
The chicken salad, which fills six tortillas, is made with two cups of diced chicken.
Iceberg forms a perfect finger-food cup for diced chicken with pine nuts.