Initiates are marked by a diamond tattoo on the forehead and are permitted to wear their hair long and bound by a silver Suk ring.
Concern etched the weathered features of the Suk doctor's face, wrinkling the diamond tattoo on his forehead.
The diamond tattoo stood out sharply on his forehead.
He looked speculatively at the Suk School ring on the Doctor's hair, stared once at the diamond tattoo and then met Yueh's eyes.
He told me he could create a beautiful diamond tattoo, but because of the pale colors it would only last six months.
The diamond tattoo of a Suk doctor had been burned into his high forehead but the mark was orange and not the customary black.
He touched the diamond tattoo on his forehead.
A black diamond tattoo marked the center of Yungar's creased forehead.
Again, the Sardaukar looked at the diamond tattoo on Yueh's forehead.
He tapped the diamond tattoo on his wrinkled forehead.