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The resulting diamond rush lasted ten years.
Soon after the first diamond was found, a "diamond rush" created a boomtown atmosphere around Murfreesboro.
The resulting 'diamond rush' led to the Diamond Coast rebellion of 1928.
The article went on to give details of the government-sponsored diamond rush.
This only intensified the Boers' grievances that had begun during the earlier diamond rush.
Soon after, the owner sold the land for $36,000 and a diamond rush quickly followed.
During the diamond rush of the 1870s, many of his young men worked on the mines in Kimberley where they acquired guns.
After a few years, the old exchange closed when the diamond rush ended and there was no more business.
This led to a new diamond rush and diggings that continue to this day.
One of the reasons may be that it coincided with the big diamond rush to Kimberley.