"You just want to hear your dialogue being spoken."
The difference is visible in every shot, every dialogue spoken and the amazing attention to detail.
There is no dialogue spoken directly by the characters (with the exception of some of Bill's hallucinations, which arguably don't count as characters).
The film is unusual because there is no dialogue spoken.
An example in Bleak House is dialogue spoken by Jo, the miserable boy who sweeps a path across a street:
So is its once "racy" dialogue, spoken by characters who indulge in circumlocution to avoid saying the word "virgin."
And the sound is so frightfully bad it's even harder to decipher the dialogue spoken by the amateurish actors.
Most of the dialogues spoken by characters were adapted directly from the novel.
Movie Quotation: A statement, phrase or brief exchange of dialogue spoken in an American film.
Any attempt to give a literal rendering of the dialogue spoken by the Chinese characters in this story would, therefore, be most tiresome for the reader.