First, what happens to those people and their families who waited so long for a diagnostic label that does a good job of describing their profile?
"The disorder has no diagnostic label that will get them insurance payments," she continued.
The usefulness of this diagnostic label remains in question.
Most, if not all "Internet addicts", already fall under existing diagnostic labels.
The APA notes diagnostic labels are primarily for use as a "convenient shorthand" among professionals.
These are deceptively hard questions at a time when every minor tic seems to have a diagnostic label.
The new diagnostic labels are descriptive rather than explanatory.
The network ascribes to person-centred values where the individual is more important than any diagnostic label or experience in dealing with the mental health system.
Secondly, there is a temptation to attach a diagnostic label to each condition so that it fits neatly on the problem list.
Instead, medications are chosen to treat the symptoms rather than the diagnostic label.