Another decade went by without introduction of a national health plan to replace the euphemisms of Medicaid, Medicare and diagnostic related groups.
The analyses covered a variety of diagnostic groups, age groups, and periods.
In planning this report it was agreed that the analyses would cover both total malignant disease around Sellafield and also several individual diagnostic groups.
Medicare pays for hospital care based on categories of illness, or diagnostic related groups.
These differences only hold on average, since an individual person with autism may not be typical for their diagnostic group.
They settled for more modest changes in 2007, creating 20 diagnostic groups and altering 32 others.
From 1983 to 1986, Medicare physician fees were frozen, and prospective payment to hospitals based on diagnostic groups was introduced.
Sensory Processing Dysfunction is now being used as a global umbrella term that includes all forms of this disorder, including three primary diagnostic groups:
These two types of offenders comprise the primary diagnostic group found in forensic psychotherapy work.
According to the CBC, across diagnostic groups, a core battery should assess three distinct domains: