The boundary between a "normal response" to the rigors of shift work and a diagnosable disorder is not sharp.
It recommended that access to treatment on an outpatient basis before a child develops a diagnosable disorder be increased.
Also, some of the schizophrenic related symptoms are often found in children without schizophrenia or any other diagnosable disorder.
In many countries it is a regulated profession that addresses moderate to more severe or chronic psychological problems, including diagnosable mental disorders.
Over 90% of people who die by suicide have clinical depression or another diagnosable mental disorder.
About 30 percent of Americans experience some diagnosable mental disorder in a typical year.
The report says that "22 percent of the population has a diagnosable mental disorder," as suggested by several recent studies.
But, it says, "nearly two-thirds of all people with diagnosable mental disorders do not seek treatment."
These are diagnosable, treatable disorders of the brain.
Over a period of three years, many of those with diagnosable disorders changed their behavior, moving from heavy use to moderate levels, and sometimes back up again.