And if this damned ship would stop pitching, I might be able to hold this diabolical device on target long enough to focus it.
Every time I rent a car, I'm tricked by some diabolical new device designed to make the vehicle totally inaccessible at the touch of a button.
Set in the 1920s as all of the series, Fu Manchu plots to freeze the world's oceans with a diabolical new device.
Earth gravity was five times Titan's--yet this diabolical device would merely double his local weight.
It was the diabolical device to be installed on Phobos in order to subjugate Earth.
Mr. Godfrey said he makes adult puzzles "as difficult as possible," employing diabolical devices like a straight line that does not form an edge but is in the middle.
Senator Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, the senior Democrat on the committee, said the signing statements were "a diabolical device" to rewrite laws enacted by Congress.
In the darkness and under threat of being blown to bits by whatever diabolical device the car concealed, Glaushof edged away.
It is a rather diabolical device when one studies it closely.
"How do you ladies manage to endure these diabolical devices?"