Whether this is due to diabetes type or reflects different distributions of Candida species by age or both is uncertain.
He has diabetes type 1 and he has a strong passion for music.
See the MeSH description for diabetes type 2 as an example.
In 2005, a study of over 1400 participants showed that participants who habitually slept few hours were more likely to have associations with diabetes type 2.
Instant coffee appears to be as efficient as regular drip brew coffee in decreasing the risk of diabetes type 2.
Potential risk factors for VVC include diabetes type, severity, and degree of glucose control.
Still, having diabetes type I or II has a 2-3 fold increase in risk of birth defects.
Zetterberg suffers from diabetes type 1.
Treating diabetes type 2.
Having a smaller waistline cuts your risks of heart disease, diabetes type 2, and other health problems.