The main benefit I see in my patients is that when they come into the office, they are ready to start talking about the latest diabetes pill or treatment.
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are "diabetes pills" but not technically hypoglycemic agents because they do not have a direct effect on insulin secretion or sensitivity.
Do not take your diabetes pills or insulin until your blood sugar is back to normal.
She told me she can't afford her diabetes pills.
Take extra diabetes pills (if you have type 2 diabetes), insulin and injection supplies, blood sugar meter batteries, test strips, and lancets.
Along with meal planning and physical activity, diabetes pills help people with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes keep their blood glucose levels on target.
On Thursday evening, Merck announced that it had halted tests of a promising diabetes pill - the fourth such disappointment this year.
An article in a leading medical journal said yesterday that a proposed diabetes pill, Pargluva, seemed to significantly increase heart attack and stroke risks.
But also, he had stopped taking his diabetes pills, not wanting to get too used to them, not knowing if that was right or wrong.
However, some clinicians believe that insulin should be started at onset or as soon as possible, rather than using sulfonylureas or other diabetes pills for initial treatment.