They also have extremely dexterous hands and they can shape a grain of sand without optical aids.
With one dexterous hand, Ferret shook some folded papers from the envelope.
As if from a fancy dress basket that has one false bottom after another, disguises of all kinds are applied with a dexterous hand.
Time was when the term watercolor denoted a small image depending for its success on a sable brush wielded by a dexterous hand.
Consequently, these primates have dexterous hands and are able to grasp objects using a pad-to-pad grip.
It took Marbury little time to learn, perhaps because with his team's fate in his dexterous hands, he had no other choice.
He picked up the quarter-his hands so dexterous for their great size-and flipped it high and past her head.
A new generation of robots with extremely dexterous hands could take on a wider range of jobs, experts say.
Most of the hands are left hands, which suggests that painters held the spraying pipe with their dexterous hand.
He has a strong arm and a dexterous hand, doubtless; but the other is a powerful man.