It told the story of one orphan's spiritual journey from religious skepticism to devout faith.
Élisabeth was much praised for her charitable nature, familial devotion and devout Catholic faith.
When the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock, they brought with them a devout faith in the Bible.
She has credited her devout, born-again Christian faith as the main reason behind her professional success.
Here the young Lorenzo developed the life-long devout Christian faith that underpins both his art and his life.
Silk over the corded muscle, devout faith behind the wielded sword and the fires.
Yow's determination is forged from her devout faith, a molten sense of competitiveness and a need to belong.
His Scandinavian parents passed on to him the values, if not the devout faith, of working-class Protestantism.
Mona had a devout faith in England, a legacy of her n-dddle-class upbringing.
It was a splendid meeting which demonstrated the sincere, devout faith of the people in Gurudevan.