In the United States we do not arrest people and then devise laws to prosecute and convict them.
As on New York's eight other reservations, it is the chiefs, not the Federal, state or local governments, that devise and enforce laws.
Surely it is not beyond the wit of man to devise laws with suitable safeguards so that legalised euthanasia is not abused.
It was he who personally devised laws and the script for the Jurchen, and thus shaped them into one state (guo, 国).
In 1903, the Governor of Oregon appointed him to a committee to help devise new laws concerning water rights in the state.
By defining standards of rationality 'the methodology of research programmes might help us in devising laws for stemming.intellectual pollution'.
Athens, a free city with its own laws, appealed to Hadrian to devise new laws which he modelled on those given by Draco and Solon.
The senate advised the king, devised laws in his name, and was held to represent the entire populus Romanus (Roman people); but it could only debate and discuss.
We devise sumptuary and relief laws, but the principle of population is always reducing wages to the lowest pittance on which human life can be sustained.
Efforts to soften the blows, by devising policies or laws to preserve jobs or protect industries, will lead to stagnation and decline, the biggest threat to American workers.