In other words, it was now up to the literary critics to devise criteria with which they would then be able to assess any new literature along the lines of "good" or "bad" rather than "high" versus "popular".
The only instance that comes to mind is the attempt of the Hayes Society to devise criteria for membership.
Based on these experiments, he devised criteria for establishing a causal link between a microbe and a disease and these are now known as Koch's postulates.
Meeting in the very chamber where apartheid became law and where for generations only whites were permitted, the former political prisoners and resistance fighters who now run the Government are devising criteria for removal.
Recent research in voting theory has largely involved devising new criteria and new methods devised to meet certain criteria.
In addition to the requirement that spending be for the general welfare, however, the Court devised more scrutinous criteria for determining the constitutionality of the conditions imposed:
It would indeed be a major breakthrough if a European patients' charter were to be adopted, and so we urge the Commission and the Member States to devise shared criteria for one.
As Commissioner Barrot has already said, the checks will be inspected and we will devise common criteria for blacklists.
Soon, Augustine, arguing that taking up arms in defense of the innocent could be a moral duty, began devising criteria for distinguishing between just wars and unjust ones.
To help physicians agree both on what they mean by a particular type of headache and on appropriate therapy, the International Headache Society has devised strict new criteria for diagnosis.